Thursday, May 27, 2010

Who is John Galt? Via Instapundit

THE PRESIDENT SAYS you’ve got enough money. “During a conference at which I just spoke, the owner of several companies showed me a pair of cufflinks he’d just had custom-made, engraved with the words ‘Who Is John Galt?’ If the president isn’t familiar with Ayn Rand’s Galt, he might want to read up. This business owner said the cuff-links were the last item other than absolute necessities that he would buy until Obama was an ex-president. He said he was sending out a letter to the restaurants and shops he patronized, his dry cleaners, the service companies that tended his lawns at his homes – over 200 different business owners – letting them know that President Obama had determined he was making too much money and was too rich for reason. Therefore, he was going to cut sales and production at his companies by half, himself work but one day a week, cut business spending to the bone and personally buy nothing – other than vacations out of the country – until the president exits.”

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